"The negro a beast"; or, "In the image of God"; the reasoner ...
Jefferson and/or Mussolini
Churchill's War - Volume Two: Triumph in Adversity
David Irving
The Revisionist Clarion - Issue Number 14 - March 2005
The Revisionist Clarion (14)
After the Reich
Giles MacDonogh
The Fall of the Ottomans
Eugene Rogan
A Wicked Company
Philipp Blom
The New Dealers' War
Thomas Fleming
Niall Ferguson
Virtual History: Alternatives and Counterfactuals
In Defense of Flogging
Peter Moskos
The Misbehavior of Markets
Benoit Mandelbrot
Intellectuals and Society: 2nd edition
Thomas Sowell
The Essential Difference
Simon Baron-Cohen
A Conflict of Visions: Idealogical Origins of Political Struggles
Knowledge and Decisions