The Background of the Invasion - Goebbels
Joseph Goebbels
Welfare, Ethnicity and Altruism
Frank Salter
Aladdin's Problem
Ernst Jünger
A People That Shall Dwell Alone
Kevin MacDonald
Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin
Dietrich Eckart
The Jewish Century
Yuri Slezkine
Mullins' New History of the Jews
Eustace Mullins
Who is Esau-Edom
Charles A. Weisman
Jewish Eugenics
john Glad
Are the Jews a Race?
Koestler, Arthur; The Thirteenth Tribe
The social conception of Judaism and the Jewish people
Lazare & Bernard & 1865-1903
Reichler, Max et al.; Jewish Eugenics
Microsoft Word - Europeans and Jews Have Shared DNA
Microsoft Word - Racial_Biology_Je[..]