11 Steps to Survival
Canada Emergency Measurses Organization
The Jewish Onslaught
Tony Martin
Living Dharma: Teachings and Meditation Instructions from Twelve ...
Jack Kornfield
Thomas Fleming - The Morality of Everyday Life_ Rediscovering ...
The Oswald Spengler Collection: Biographical Essay; Extracts ...
The Decline of the West, Vol 1: Form and Actuality
Oswald Spengler
Man and Technics: A Contribution to a Philosophy of Life
Popular government, four essays
Routledge; German Idealism Contemporary Perspectives - Sep 2007
Routledge History of Philosophy Volume VI
Robert C.Solomon and Kathleen M.Higgins (edt)
Nietzsche and The Origin of Virtue
Lester H.Hunt
Nietzsche and Modern German Thought
Routledge - Nietzsche - Apr 1985
Robert Greene - The 48 Laws of Power
Redbeard, Ragnar; Might Is Right - Or The Survival Of The Fittest
Atlas Shrugged
Ayn Rand
A Handbook of Traditional Living
Thinkers Against Modernity
Keith Preston
Plato; The Republic
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Pascal Bruckner - The Tyranny of Guilt_ An Essay on Western ...
Numinous Machines
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Friedrich Nietzsche (trans. Ansell-Pearson & Large)
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Theological Origins of Modernity
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Mencken, H. L.; The Philosophy Of Friedrich Nietzsche
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The Prince
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History of Political Philosophy
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Ludwig Klages
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The Foundations of Morality
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Heinrich von Treitschke - Politics Vol. 2
Heinrich von Treitschke - Politics Vol. 1
The Life of Reason
The Essential Frithjof Schuon (Library of Perennial Philosophy)
The End of History and the Last Man (The Free Press; 1992)
Francis Fukuyama
Francis Fukuyama - Our Posthuman Future_ Consequences of the ...
Neoreactionary Canon
Anthony Smith - The Ethnic Origins of Nations
Political Theory: An Introduction, Third Edition
Andrew Heywood
The WASP Question
Andrew Fraser
Myth of the Twentieth Century
Alfred Rosenberg
Adam Wallace - Primer Et Cetera
Adam Wallace - Primer et Cetera Vol. II
A Companion to Plato
Hugh H. Benson (Editor)
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A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy
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(Blackwell Companions to Philosophy) A Companion to Aristotle
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Platonism and Naturalism: The Possibility of Philosophy
Lloyd P. Gerson
The Soul of the World
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A History of Pythagoreanism
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Sagehood: The Contemporary Significance of Neo-Confucian Philosophy
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Porphyry Introduction
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From Plato to Platonism
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