Savitri Devi
Essays on the monetary history of the United States
Tapferkeit wirkt Wunder
Ernst Günter Dickmann
The Poems of Sir Walter Raleigh: now first collected. With a ...
The Poetic Edda
Henry Adams Bellows
Poetic Edda (5)
The Elder or Poetic Edda
Oliver Bray
Poetic Edda (4)
Icelandic Poetry or The Edda of Saemund
A. S. Cottle
Poetic Edda (1)
Corpus poeticum boreale, the poetry of the old Northern tongue ...
Guðbrandur Vigfússon, Frederick York Powell
Poetic Edda (3)
The elder Edda of Saemund Sigfusson
Benjamin Thorpe
Poetic Edda (2)