Das japanische Volk und das Christentum
Rolf Beckh
The Virus House: Nazi Germany's Atomic Research and the Allied ...
David Irving
The Battle of Life
Charles Dickens
The German 1918 Offensives: A Case Study in the Operational ...
David T.Zabecki
Whitehead, George; Mending Mankind; The Factors Of Racial Health
Whetham, W. C. D.; An Introduction To Eugenics
Library of Eugenics - Information Resource for Eugenics, Genetic ...
Thomson, J. Arthur; The Control Of Life
Stone, Dan; Breeding Superman - Nietzsche Race And Eugenics ...
The revolt against civilization; the menace of the under man
Spiro, Jonathan Peter; Defending the Master Race - Conservation, ...
Jonathan Peter. Spiro
Probability, the foundation of eugenics;
Schuster, Edgar; Eugenics - A Science And An Ideal-compressed-[..]
Race or mongrel: a brief history of the rise and fall of the ...
The Progress of Eugenics
The Methods of Race-regeneration
Saleeby, Caleb; The Eugenic Prospect - National And Racial
Saleeby, Caleb; Parenthood and Race Culture - An Outline Of ...
Race decadence, an examination of the causes of racial degeneracy ...
Roper, A. G.; Ancient Eugenics
Robinson, William J.; Eugenics And Marriage
Rhodes, Frederick A.; The Next Generation
Ravenhill, Alice; Eugenics Education For Women And Girls
Popenoe, Paul; Applied Eugenics
Pollock, Horatio M.; Eugenics As A Factor In The Prevention ...
Pendell, Elmer; Why Civilizations Self-Destruct
Peile, J. H. F.; Eugenics And The Church
The groundwork of eugenics
Darwinism, medical progress and eugenics; the Cavendish lecture, ...
Evolution, genetics and eugenics
Nearing, Scott; The Super Race
McDougall, William; National Welfare - National Decay
Lyttleton, E.; Eugenics Ethics And Religion
Lynn, Richard; Eugenics, A Reassessment
Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations
Jordan, David, Starr; The Heredity Of Richard Roe
Jordan, David Starr; Blood Of The Nation
Jones, Philip; Racial Hybridity
Race Suicide
Favored Races
Guyer, Michael F.; Being Well Born - An Introduction to Eugenics
Graham, Robert Klark; The Future Of Man
Glad, John; Future Human Evolution - Eugenics in the 21st Century
Eko Nugroho
Heredity and eugenics
Essays in Eugenics by Francis Galton (Macmillan, 1909)
Francis Galton
The task of social hygiene
Heredity in relation to eugenics
Davenport, Charles Benedict; Eugenics - The Science Of Human ...
The Racial Elements of European History
Hans F. K. Günther
Essays in Eugenics
SS Race Theory and Mate Selection Guidelines