Thrice-Greatest Hermes: Studies in Hellenistic Theosophy and Gnosis

G. R. S. Mead

Language: English


G.R.S. Mead was a noted and influential member of the Theosophical Society. He studied the Hermetic and Gnostic religions of Late Antiquity. Mead's huge book-Thrice-Greatest Hermes-is a classic work on the philosophical Hermetica and the figure of Hermes Trismegistus. This first volume (Prolegomena-640 pp.) gives an extensive study of the Hermetic corpus and the origins of Hermeticism. This section offers substantial quotes from a wealth of sources (edition fully annotated with 1500 footnotes). This book is well worth reading for all those who wish to study the Corpus Hermeticum in its entirety.