The Judas Goats

Michael Collins Piper

Language: English

Publisher: American Free Press


“The use of double, even triple, agents is as old as history. Most notable in the 20th Century, and perhaps of all time, was the Soviet bloc creation and manipulation of false ‘opposition’ movements in Soviet bloc countries, movements that one generation after another of Western covert operators was drawn into supporting.” —Professor Roy Godson, author of Dirty Tricks or Trump Cards There will be those who read this book and will still say ... "Well, Mr. Piper, you wrote a really good book, and I think you are absolutely right about these Judas Goats who are misleading good patriotic Americans. However, on pages such-and-such you accused So-and-So of being a Judas Goat and I think you are absolutely wrong about that. He’s one of our finest patriots. Why I read his essay in This-and- That magazine and he said some awfully good things. I find it hard to believe if So-and-So were a Judas Goat that he would have written such wonderful words. I mean, really, I think you’re mistaken here." Those who say such things are lambs ripe for the slaughter. This is not a book for the faint-hearted. If what you are about to read will disturb you and you are unable to recognize that many whom you may consider to be your friends and allies are really Judas Goats—The Enemy Within—then read no further. This book is for those with open minds, those who can absorb difficult concepts,those who are able to recognize that all is not as it seems,those who are ready for the big battle ahead. And, hopefully, a few such folks who previously may have been inclined to be misled by The Judas Goats will finally come around and see the error of their ways ...before it’s too late.