Whoever wants to make a person healthy must eliminate the cause that led to his illness.Entire nations can also become ill and die if help is not forthcoming.The course of their history confirms that the peoples of antiquity perished from poisoning the Jews.And that the peoples of the present will only survive if the Jewish bacillus eating away at them is eliminated can only bedenied to people who don't want to see the truth.Whoever brings the truth to the nations about the Jewish doings in the world, helps to solve the highest, greatest and most difficult task that mankind has fromfate was set.The book by Messrs. J. Keller and Hanns Andersen is such a helper.It is filled with precious truths and an abundance of high thoughts.This book deserves the attention of all seekers.Nuremberg,City of the Nazi Party Rallies, Pentecost 1937.
Whoever wants to make a person healthy must eliminate the cause that led to his illness. Entire nations can also become ill and die if help is not forthcoming. The course of their history confirms that the peoples of antiquity perished from poisoning the Jews. And that the peoples of the present will only survive if the Jewish bacillus eating away at them is eliminated can only be denied to people who don't want to see the truth. Whoever brings the truth to the nations about the Jewish doings in the world, helps to solve the highest, greatest and most difficult task that mankind has from fate was set. The book by Messrs. J. Keller and Hanns Andersen is such a helper. It is filled with precious truths and an abundance of high thoughts. This book deserves the attention of all seekers. Nuremberg, City of the Nazi Party Rallies, Pentecost 1937.