Zero Tolerance

Alexander Slavros & Dark Foreigner

Language: English

Publisher: IronMarch


As the books clarify leading up to Zero Tolerance discuss, Cosmic Truth is at the core of Fascism. With this in mind, we ask ourselves this: why do people consistently dilute the truth for their own gain, or for the gain of followers who are not attracted to the truth, but instead a version of it shrouded with falsehoods? 
Zero Tolerance speaks of Truth, deviation from Truth, and Falsehoods in a purely objective sense. It becomes critical of the Alt-Right and similar categories in their supposed passion of truth, dismantles it, and throws it back in their face as nothing more than racist liberalism/Capitalism, as falsehood. It seeks to impart this objectivity upon the reader in every aspect of their life, to see life through a cold, clinical, or even mathematical lens where no deviation is possible. 

"The Truth is that 2+2 is 4, and we are intolerant of the liars who claim that 2+2 is 6, and we will never comromise with them by 'agreeing to disagree' or 'agreeing to meet them in the middle' on 2+2 being 5."