Next Leap - Version 1


Language: English

Publisher: IronMarch

Published: Jan 1, 2015


Question : Should we allow Intellectuals or Intellectualism within Fascism?

No, people who dabble into the semantics and dialectics of intellectualism within fascism are not only wasting their time, but other peoples times as well. Intellectualism is pulling every string of humanity until there is only one left to be pulled, dissecting everything to it's smallest parts, it is of the modern thinking, and therefore, no place in our struggle.
Not only that, but it also is not in their best interests to be an intellectual within our "movement", since you and I are simply not reinventing the wheel, and Fascist Revisionism has already been done countlesss times in the past before, in fact, it is neatly summarized within this book, "Next Leap". Granted, there is nothing wrong with being someone with high intellect, however actions will always speak louder than words. Therefore, intellectualism is a baseless fallacy, ie you must read x amount of books to be a national socialist, and/or I have read Evola, hence I know more about fascism than you, etc. Rick and Morty type archetypes.
To quote about the compatibility of Intellectualism and Fascism: [Here another problem arises: the people who got to reading the works of such people (a prominent name would be Julius Evola) had typically been wanna-be intellectuals and self-proclaimed philosophers, who rarely engage in any sort of actual Fascist Action. These swines managed to create a general distaste for this field of knowledge amongst the Fascists who are thus far isolated in the context of political ideology. Worse still these “intellectuals” do not even fully comprehend the subject matter that they absolutely adore to espouse complete nonsense about in their little academic circle-jerks where they stroke their own egos and one another off, complimenting themselves on being “intellectual”.
These are the euphoric fedora-wearing imbeciles of the Fascist world, who had rightfully earned themselves the title of evolafags, which shouldn’t be taken as a slight against Julius Evola, who would’ve trashed these vermin himself. In fact, he did: Representatives of this sort of "intellectualism" value the brilliant phrase and effective wielding of polemics and dialectics far more than the truth. They use ideas as an excuse; it’s important for them to shine, to give the impression of a particularly smart person; same as contemporary politicians using party ideology exclusively for the purposes of advancing personal gains. It is a real "market of vanity" where the worst kind of subjectivism rules, often accompanied by honest narcissism, which becomes increasingly evident, when these gangs of intellectuals attain secular gloss (for instance in all sorts of literary "chats" and cultural groups). Without a doubt there is a measure of truth in the words of whomever said that amongst all the varieties of idiocy the most disgusting idiocy is that of the intellectuals.