You and your People: A Political and Racial Guide for Hitler Youth

Kurt Schrey

Language: English


German Boys and Girls!

We National Socialists carried on our struggle for the sake of the German people and ts future. The future of the people is its children — which is you. We thought about you as fought, risking life and health and all we had to help the swastika to victory. You will be spared what the German people had to experience before 1933. The fatherland’s age of distress is past. The machines are running again, the chimneys are smoking. There is work and food. People are happy again and have found new faith. And all are working in the same direction. The people make up a great community, tied together a million-fold by common blood, and faces its future with heads held high. You are our young team. You will take the storm flags from our hands and carry them into a happier future. The doors of school are closing behind you. It has prepared you well. Be glad that the present day demands accomplishment and diligence of you. We Germans will not allow ourselves to be surpassed by any other people in the world. Join the ranks of creative Germans, build the new Reich, and be loyal to your last breath.

Heil Hitler! - Erich Wächtler

A long line of generations is behind every person. Your father gave you half of your physical, spiritual, and intellectual characteristics, your mother the other half. But your father embodied the inheritance of his two
parents, your mother that of hers. You see that the number of your ancestors doubles with each generation. Ten generations back, it is already 1024. Since the average age difference between parents and children is 30 years, you can calculate that that you carry the inheritance of 1024 people who lived 300 years ago. These 512 men and 512 women passed on their inheritance to 512 children, 256 grandchildren, and so on, to your two parents. All of these people through whom the blood of those 1024 people flowed down to your parents to create you, all of these bearers of an ancient inheritance (1022 of them in this stream) are also your ancestors. Thus, the number of your ancestors from the year 1640 down to today is 2046. But each person living in 1640 had just as many ancestors. If you go back 600 years instead of 300, to the year 1340, you have to multiply 1025 by 2046, which is 2,097,150.

The number is correct, but it is important to realize that all are not distinct individuals. In each family tree, there are cases in which a man marries a woman to whom he is distantly related, perhaps sharing a great grandfather. This man and woman, as well as their child, share the same ancestors from the great grandfather back. This is termed diminishing ancestors, since it significantly reduces the number of ancestors. This does not mean a loss of genetic material, but rather a doubling of the same or similar genes that can be either favorable or unfavorable. Despite the diminished number of ancestors, their number is still in the millions.