Inside the Gas Chambers: The Extermination of Mainstream Holocaust Historiography

Carlo Mattogno

Book 25 of Holocaust Handbooks

Language: English


Since the early 1990s, critical historians have published a steadily growing number of carefully investigated studies on the so-called “Holocaust.” Hence the orthodox historians, usually paid by the government, were compelled to do something against the rising tide of revisionist arguments. Therefore, after a conference had been held in Germany to discuss the matter, an anthology appeared in early 2011 under the aegis of the German historians Günter Morsch and Bertrand Perz. It claims to refute the arguments of critical historians.

Indicative for this study is, however, that revisionist arguments are basically ignored. Hardly any of the many revisionist works which have appeared over the past 20 years is even mentioned.

In the present book, Italian scholar Carlo Mattogno mercilessly exposes the egregious superficiality and dogmatic ignorance of these historians. Over and over it becomes clear that their claims are in part utterly unfounded or are frequently based on the distorted and disfigured use of sources. Based on his unparalleled knowledge of the source material, Mattogno aptly reduces the theses of the court historians to absurdity. This book summarizes the arguments for and against every single gas chamber claim made for any of the German wartime camps: Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno, Dachau, Majdanek, Mauthausen, Natzweiler, Neuengamme, Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen, Sobibor, Stutthof and Treblinka. Even the mystical “Gas Vans” are covered plus the euthanasia centers at Bernburg, Brandenburg, Grafeneck, Hadamar, Hartheim and Sonnenstein. This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date summary of revisionist knowledge.

By means of this book, mainstream Holocaust historiography has suffered a defeat which comes close to its intellectual extermination—literally every alleged “homicidal gas chamber” is shown to be a fraud!